History VS DATA

VS DATA Specialist Institution was established in 2014.

World-class services.

VS DATA is a Specialist Institution that offer computer forensics, data recovery and incident handling. Our employees are highly qualified specialists with many years of experience and court experts. We have a specialized and modern laboratory. The possessed software and knowledge allow for the analysis of all currently functioning devices with media recording information in electronic form. Additionally, we have established a Rapid Response team dedicated to handling incidents of breaching the security of IT systems.

We offer world-class services (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 27037: 2012 certificates, we often act as court experts and run our own study programs.

We constantly improve our qualifications

We consistently invest in new solutions and raise qualifications to meet the challenges inherent in the rapidly evolving IT market.

The modern techniques of computer forensics and data recovery we use allow us to obtain evidence of crimes from any type of media.


We share knowledge and experience

Since 2014, we have started to share our knowledge and experience on a larger scale. We have created two proprietary postgraduate study programs. In 2014, the first and only studies in Poland in the field of “computer forensics” began. The decision to launch them was a response to the demand of the market dominated by electronic document circulation and the increase in the number of crimes committed with the use of digital information carriers. The first edition of the studies (2014/2015) was very successful and is still being continued. The second and currently the most popular field of study is Cybersecurity at two universities: Lazarski University in Warsaw and the Naval Academy in Gdynia.

Postgraduate studies

Another pioneering field of postgraduate studies at the Lazarski University in Warsaw and the Naval Academy in Gdynia is “Cybersecurity”. Security in cyberspace is one of the highest priorities that we should strive for in our country. Along with the development of the Internet, we come across threats that result from its inadequate security and incorrect use of network resources. Hence, in response to the market demand, we have decided to launch this direction.

Classes in both fields of study are conducted in a laboratory form and are conducted by specialists, experts in the field of computer forensics and the judiciary, as well as court experts, auditors and university lecturers.

VS DATA in dates


  • VS DATA is established


relocation from Rumia to Gdynia
first recovery from a physically damaged disk


  • change of the company's seat


certification under ISO 9001 and 27001 in the field of data recovery and information security (the first in Poland in this field)
first recovery from a physically damaged SSD


  • reation of a professional computer forensics laboratory, expansion of activities with Computer Forensics services
    commencement of cooperation with law enforcement authorities, as well as passing exams and entering on the list of court experts
    opening of the VS DATA branch in Warsaw


  • implementation of the mobile device analysis service
    obtaining 2nd level ABW certificates regarding data security


  • expansion of the data recovery lab


  • commencement of permanent cooperation with the portal niebezpiecznik.pl
    change of the company's seat
    creation and opening of the first postgraduate course in Poland, "Investigative Informatics"


  • creating and opening the first postgraduate course in Poland, "Cybersecurity"
    continuation, 2nd edition of postgraduate studies in "Computer forensics"
    expansion of the data recovery lab
    winning the nationwide "Laurel of Expert" award for the data recovery service
    winning the "Pomeranian Quality Award" for implementing modern methods of TQM Quality Management


  • continuation, 3rd edition of postgraduate studies "Investigative computer science"
    continuation, 2nd edition of postgraduate studies "Cybersecurity"
    expansion of the computer forensics laboratory
    the first investigative analysis of a drone in Poland
    implementation of the investigative accounting service
    obtaining the nationwide "Enterprise of the Future" certificate
    winning the "Gold Prize" in the national competition "Enterprise of the Future"
    implementation and certification of the ISO 27037: 2012 system in the field of digital evidence security


  • implementation of the forensic analysis service
    opening of post-graduate studies in "Computer investigative science" in Warsaw
    continuation, 4th edition of postgraduate studies "Cybersecurity"


  • continuation of postgraduate studies "Cybersecurity"


  • opening of the Cybersecurity Management studies in Warsaw
    opening postgraduate studies in Cybersecurity Management (remotely) in Warsaw
    continuation of postgraduate studies in "Cybersecurity"
    expansion of the training room


  • training of over 300 people
    online lectures and training
    continuation of studies "Cybersecurity" and Cybersecurity and computer forensics


  • implementation of the incident handling service

Contact Us


58 661 45 28


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GB odzyskanych danych



Zaufali nam:

Co nas wyróżnia


Nasze laboratorium jest wyposażone w najnowsze narzędzia. Technologia i rozwiązania jakie stosujemy pozwalają osiągnąć wysoką skuteczność przy wszelkich rodzajach uszkodzeń.


Wdrożyliśmy standardy ISO do naszych usług. Otrzymaliśmy certyfikaty za jakość i bezpieczeństwo.


Nasi technicy to doświadczeni specjaliści, eksperci i biegli sądowi. Większość z nich działa w branży IT od ponad 15 lat. Najlepsi dzielą się wiedzą na szkoleniach oraz uczelniach wyższych.


Przyjęliśmy, że aby wymagać od Ciebie zapłaty zgodnej z zaakceptowaną wyceną, musimy odzyskać co najmniej 80% wskazanych danych. Jeśli działających danych będzie mniej – masz prawo zrezygnować z odbioru.


Cały proces postępu prac jest monitorowany. Dostaniesz sms powiadamiający kiedy nośnik trafi do laboratorium, wyniki diagnozy będą gotowe, czy odzyskane dane przygotowane do odbioru.


Paczkomaty to obecnie najwygodniejszy sposób przekazania nośnika i odebrania odzyskanych danych. Dostępne w całej Polsce i działające 24h/7 dają niespotykaną dotąd swobodę.


Wszystkie ceny usług są opisane w cenniku. Kwoty są niezmienne, w wartościach brutto (23% VAT). Możesz być pewny, że żadne dodatkowe koszta Ciebie nie zaskoczą, a na koniec dostaniesz fakturę.


Nasze telefony odbierają technicy. Dzięki temu uzyskasz kompletną, precyzyjną i fachową informację na temat usługi czy Twojego zlecenia.


Nasze narzędzia i technologie pozwalają pracować ze wszystkimi rodzajami nośników: HDD, SSHD, SSD, pamięci flash oraz wszystkimi rodzajami systemów plików.


ul. Świętojanska 55/16
81-391 Gdynia

phone +48 58 661 45 28
fax: +48 58 661 46 28

Office open: Monday - Friday  9.00 AM – 5.00 PM